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Terms and conditions
Useful forms
- Request a deposit, transfer, withdrawal or to apply notice. Transaction Slip
- Request a deposit or a withdrawal. Business Reserve transaction slip
- Pop your account number on the form along with the rest of your details, then send it back to us (as ISA regulations state we need your signature) and let us do the rest. ISA transfer authority form
- Complete this if you haven't subscribed to your Cash ISA for a full tax year. Cash ISA break in subscriptions
- Complete this as an Attorney/Deputy/Guardian when there has been a break in subscription to a Virgin Money Cash ISA for one full tax year. Cash ISA break in subscriptions application form for an Attorney/Deputy/Guardian
- Apply for any of our online Savings accounts as a power of attorney (as they are operated by post). Online Savings account power of attorney application form
- Apply for any of our online ISAs as a power of attorney (as we operate these by post). Online ISA power of attorney application form
- Apply for any of our offline ISAs as a power of attorney (as we operate these by post). Offline ISA power of attorney application form
- Apply for any of our offline accounts as a power of attorney (as they are operated by post). Offline Savings power of attorney application form
- Please complete and either bring to a Branch or post with the Power of Attorney document to Freepost Virgin Money, NEA 3780, Newcastle upon Tyne NE3 4ZE. Add an Attorney to Existing current or Savings Account
- Please complete and either bring to a Branch of post with the Court of Protection/Sheriff Court (Certificate of Appointment) document to Freepost Virgin Money, NEA 3780, Newcastle upon Tyne NE3 4ZE. Add a Deputy/Guardian to an existing Account
- Complete this form to add or remove an account holder. Add or remove an account holder form
- Complete this form to tell us of a change to your name or address. Change of name and/or address form
- Complete this form to tell us of a change to where you want your interest paid or if your nominated bank has changed. Change of interest or nominated bank form
- Let us know if your name, address, nominated bank or interest payment instructions are changing for your Charity Deposit or Business Reserve account. Charities and Business Reserve Amendment Form
- Fill in and send back so we can ask your bank to set up a Standing Order to your online account. Standing order mandate (online accounts)
- Fill in and send back so we can ask your bank to set up a Standing Order to your Branch or postal account. Standing order mandate (Branch and postal accounts)
- Information about obtaining additional ISA allowances following the death of your spouse or civil partner. Surviving spouse guide
- Complete this additional form if you want 3 or 4 people named on a Savings account. Please use 'Add an Attorney to an Existing current or Savings Account form' if you want to add an Attorney(s) to an existing current or savings account. 3rd and 4th applicant application form
- This form should be used to make a Faster Payment. Faster Payment form
- Please complete and either bring to a Branch or post with the Power of Attorney document to Freepost Virgin Money, NEA 3780, Newcastle upon Tyne NE3 4ZE. Add an Attorney to Existing current or Savings Account
- Please complete and either bring to a Branch of post with the Court of Protection/Sheriff Court (Certificate of Appointment) document to Freepost Virgin Money, NEA 3780, Newcastle upon Tyne NE3 4ZE Add a Deputy/Guardian to an existing Account
- Fill out this form to change your name and address. Current account change of details
- If you phoned us to tell us about a change to your address, we also need you to sign and return this form to us before we can send any new debit cards, PINs or cheque books to your new address Current account change of address confirmation form
- Fill out this form to remove an account holder from your current account. Remove account holder form
- Request to close your current account with us or call us and see if we can help. Standing order mandate (current account)
- (Virgin Current Account - Previously opened with Northern Rock) Add another person to an existing Current Account. Current account add account holder form
- This form should be used when we ask you to confirm your individual residency status for tax purposes. Individual tax residency self-certification declaration form
- This form should be used when we ask you to confirm your business residency status for tax purposes. Entity tax residency self-certification declaration form
Confirmation of identity
To open an account with us, we'll need to verify your identity. If you are opening your account online, by telephone or by post, you won't be required to send proof of identity with your application, as we can usually verify your identity using our electronic identification system. However, if we can't for any reason, you might still be asked to supply identification at a later date.
If you are opening an account at one of our Branches, you will normally need to provide identification. You will also need to provide your proof of identity when carrying out transactions at a Branch, but not all of our accounts can be operated in a Branch - you'll need to check your Key Product Information Sheet for this.