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Here, you’ll find all the information and guidance you’ll need when it comes to coronavirus and your travel insurance. If you still can’t find the answers you’re looking for, check out our Frequently Asked Questions or get in touch.

And remember, before you book a trip or travel, check the latest Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) guidance Link opens in a new window. If the FCDO is advising against all but essential travel to your destination, your travel insurance won’t cover you.

Here’s a summary of what you are and aren’t covered for when it comes to COVID-19. For all the detail, read your Club M Account Insurance Policy Wording Link opens in a new window.

Here’s what you’re covered for

  • You’re covered for cancelling your trip or cutting your trip short if you, or a relative or a person you are travelling with fall ill with COVID-19. This only applies if you had not tested positive for COVID-19 or were not awaiting test results for COVID-19. at the time of booking your trip.
  • You’re covered for emergency medical expenses if you fall ill with COVID-19 while you’re away unless you are travelling against medical advice . This includes cover for reasonable and necessary additional travel expenses to return home to the UK – for you, your partner and up to four dependant children if they’re travelling with you.

Here’s what you’re not covered for

  • Any claim where you are unable to provide appropriate medical evidence that you have COVID-19. Details of the evidence required can be found under “Need to make a claim?”
  • You won’t be covered if you’re cancelling your trip because the FCDO is advising against ‘all but essential travel’ to your destination as a result of an epidemic or pandemic such as COVID-19. But you may still have options. Speak to your travel provider (tour operator, accommodation provider, airline, or travel agent) for a refund or to see if they can change your booking. If you paid for any part of your trip with your credit or debit card, check with your card provider to see if you’re entitled to a refund.
  • You won’t be covered for claims due to travel or movement restrictions such as local or national lockdowns, quarantines or any need to self-isolate as a result of the pandemic (unless you are actually ill with COVID-19)
  • Any claims as a result of the insolvency of your airline or travel provider are not covered.
  • Your travel insurance also won’t cover you if you change your mind and decide you do not want to travel.
  • Any costs for COVID-19 tests prior to travelling.

Need to make a claim?

To make a claim, call AIG on 01273 740982 (Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm) or email To make sure things go as smoothly as possible, make sure you have all the right documentation to hand.

When submitting a claim, AIG will ask for:

  • Your original booking, and which parts of it are non-refundable
  • Cancellation invoices for all parts of your holiday (such as flights, accommodation, car hire)
  • Correspondence and medical records from your doctor or medical practitioner
  • Evidence of a positive COVID-19 test result (where you are making a claim due to contracting coronavirus) We will only accept a PCR test result or a verified lateral flow/antigen test result with a certificate. We will not for example accept an at home lateral flow test with confirmation of upload to the NHS or other website.

Remember, travel insurance only covers you for non-refundable costs. Therefore, you should contact your travel provider (tour operator, accommodation provider, airline, or travel agent) in the first instance for a refund. If you paid for any part of your trip with your credit or debit card, you could also check with your provider to see if you’re entitled to a refund.

AIG will consider each claim based on the individual facts and circumstances surrounding the events.

Concerned you might have COVID-19 symptoms?

As part of your travel insurance cover, you have access to the Virtual Medical Care service, which can provide you, your partner or dependant children with unlimited, 24/7 access to a GP who can give information and advice.

You can access the Virtual Medical Care service by phoning 0203 499 0658, downloading the Virtual Medical Care App or visiting the website at Link opens in a new window. You will need to use your sort code as your reference/policy number.

Frequently asked questions

No, you do not need to be vaccinated against COVID-19 to be insured under the policy.

There are specific events for which you are covered for cancellation under your policy. If your travel provider has cancelled or postponed due to the existence of COVID-19 or the pandemic, a covered event under your policy.

Travel insurance also only covers non-refundable costs. If you have been allowed to change your booking date  or received a voucher, credit or  any other form of compensation, you will not be able to claim under the policy.

However, your travel provider (tour operator, accommodation provider, airline, or travel agent) should provide you with a refund if they cancelled your trip. If you paid for any part of your trip with your credit or debit card, you could also check with your provider to see if you are entitled to a refund.

No, you won’t be covered and can’t make a claim if you decide to travel to a destination against FCDO advice. This applies even if the FCDO guidance wasn’t in place when booked your trip but is in place by the time you’re due to travel.

Sorry, your travel insurance won’t cover you for cancellation if you change your mind and decide you no longer want to travel. This is because you not wanting to travel (also known as ‘disinclination to travel’) isn’t covered under your policy terms and conditions.

Yes – you can claim for emergency medical expenses if you become seriously ill with COVID-19. You can also claim for reasonable and necessary travel expenses incurred as a result of becoming ill.

Please note that we will only accept a PCR test or a verified lateral flow/antigen test result with a certificate as evidence of COVID-19. We will not for example accept an at home lateral flow test with confirmation of upload to the NHS or other website.

Yes – you can make a claim for you, your partner living with you and up to four dependants in these circumstances. Your partner must be under the age of 75 and your dependants must be under the age of 18 and either living with you or in full-time education. You are not able to claim for anyone else, even if you booked the trip for them.

Please note that we will only accept a PCR test result or a verified lateral flow/antigen test result with a certificate as evidence of covid-19. We will not for example accept an at home lateral flow test with confirmation of upload to the NHS or other website. The cost of the test/s is not covered by the travel insurance.

Yes – trips cancelled or cut short as a result of a serious illness, including testing positive for COVID-19, are covered. This includes the serious illness of a person you have booked to travel with or a friend living abroad who you had planned to stay with.

Please note that we will only accept a PCR test result or a verified lateral flow/antigen test result with a certificate as evidence of COVID-19. We will not for example accept an at home lateral flow test with confirmation of upload to the NHS or other website. The cost of the test/s is not covered by the travel insurance.

You will only be able to claim for cancellation of your trip if the change in FCDO advice is not due to an epidemic or pandemic, such as COVID-19.