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Stay in control of your mortgage

If you’re having trouble paying your mortgage now, or are worried about being able to make your repayments in future, we’re here to support you. Our team of experts are on hand, and are helping customers with similar worries every day.

What we will do

When you contact us on the number below, we will discuss your circumstances and concerns, and how we could support you.

  • Talking to us will not affect your credit file. And we’re confident you’ll feel better for doing so.
  • We will treat you with dignity and respect, and listen to your individual worries and needs.
  • Draw on our expertise to find a solution to make your mortgage more manageable.
  • Our purpose is to support you and do everything possible to enable you to remain in your home.

How we can help you

  • When you contact us on the number below we'll discuss your concerns, and how we could support you.
  • Just talking to us will not affect your credit file. And we're confident you'll feel better for doing so.
  • We could arrange a new payment plan with you, to make your mortgage more manageable.
  • Change the way you make your payments, or the date you make them on.
  • In some cases allow you to pay your mortgage back over a longer period, which would reduce your monthly repayment.
  • Change the type of mortgage you have, for example temporarily converting your account to an interest only basis could reduce your contractual payment.

If we can make one of these arrangements with you, we’ll explain how it would work and give you time to consider it. If we cannot offer you any of these options, we will of course tell you why.

We will treat you with dignity and respect, and listen to your individual circumstances and needs. We’ll do everything we can to find a solution to make your mortgage more manageable, and enable you to remain in your home.

How you can help yourself

  • Tell us as soon as possible if you’re having problems repaying your mortgage or think that you might experience problems shortly.
  • Seek free, independent and impartial advice.
  • Contact us quickly, if we try to contact you.
  • Make sure you keep any other people paying the mortgage, and anyone guaranteeing the mortgage, up to date with what is happening.
  • Keep to the payment plan we agree with you, or tell us if there is a change in your circumstances which may affect the arrangement.
  • Check whether you can get any state benefits or tax credits which could help to increase your income.
  • If you have an insurance policy such as payment protection, check whether it would help with your payments.
  • If applicable, ask us for our agreement to put tenants in your property.
  • Tell us if you move to a new address and provide us with an up to date telephone number to make it easier to contact you.

Other organisations who may be able to help you

View a full list of external organisation’s who may be able to help you to manage your money.

Don’t risk losing your home – keep up those mortgage repayments

Worried about repaying your mortgage?

We want to offer you as much support as we can. If you think you may have difficulty keeping up with your mortgage payments, please call us to discuss your options.

Virgin Money

Your account number will look like this: 12345X-12345.

0345 609 9837

8am - 6pm Monday to Friday

Clydesdale and Yorkshire Bank

Your account number will look like this: 12345678

0800 141 2301

8am -7pm Monday to Friday

03 numbersSame as calls to 01 or 02 numbers and they are included in inclusive minutes and discount schemes in the same way.
084 numbersMaximum of 7p per minute, plus your phone company's access charge.
087 numbersMaximum of 13p per minute, plus your phone company's access charge.
0800 numbersFree from UK landlines and personal mobile phones.

MyBudget Online Planner

You can work out your budget by adding up your monthly bills and looking at other financial commitments. By thinking about everything from gas and electricity bills, to one off big purchases such as holidays or home appliances, you should have a better idea of what you can and can't afford.

Our online budget planner will guide you through this process and it should only take around 15 minutes to complete. Once you've completed this, one of our team will contact you directly to discuss your options.

Launch MyBudget