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Use of personal information

The information you provide will be used to assess your application, and to set up and manage your account.

A full description of how and for what purposes your information may be processed can be viewed in our Virgin Money Privacy Policy

We will share your information with Credit Reference Agencies to help determine what credit products and services we can provide you. These agencies will use the information for assessing credit applications, debt tracing and prevention of money laundering.

If false or inaccurate information is provided and fraud is identified, details will be passed to fraud prevention agencies to prevent fraud and money laundering. Further details explaining how the information is held by fraud prevention agencies can be found in our Virgin Money Privacy Policy

Download our privacy policy as PDF

Your options

Once your existing Online Fixed Rate Bond matures, we will transfer your savings to an Instant Savings Account that lets you access your money when you need it but still earn interest on your savings. This flexibility means your savings can grow without your money being tied up in restricted withdrawal periods.

Alternatively, you can choose from the following three options:

Option 1 – Add funds into your Instant Savings Account

You can add in additional funds from your Virgin Money account(s) into your new Instant Savings Account and enjoy greater savings.

Add additional funds to your account

Option 2 – Withdraw part of your funds

Withdraw part of your maturing funds to any of your current account and re-invest the remaining into your new Instant Savings Account.

Withdraw funds from your account

Option 3 – Close your account

Request that we close your Online Fixed Rate Bond and send the maturing funds to you.

Close your account

Please ensure that you read the Terms and Conditions carefully before agreeing to the terms contained in the application process and submitting your instructions.