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“Learn how to get rich quick”

“Here’s how I earned thousands of pounds”

We call this an Authorised Push Payment (APP) scam. Our APP scam page has all the info you need to keep safe.

How it works:

  1. You're contacted through a phone call, email or social media. You're promised a huge return by investing in things like cryptocurrency, stocks, or property. Even your pension is a target.
  2. All you need to do is send some money.
  3. Sometimes they’ll give you small returns to gain your trust. Then one day you’ll get an urgent message to say you should send as much as you can. Today is the day - the gains will be huge!
  4. But once you send it, that ‘investment’ disappears along with your hard-earned cash.

How to stop them stealing your money:

  • If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. There’s no such thing as ‘sure-bet’ with guaranteed returns.
  • Research the company. Search the FCA Financial Services Register Link opens in a new window. If they're not registered don't invest. Search the FCA ScamSmart warning list Link opens in a new window for known fraudsters.
  • Don't rush into it. Pause, reflect, and get advice from an independent financial expert before investing.
  • Don’t let a scammer steal your retirement. If you're worried about money and want to use your pension to pay debts, contact a free debt adviser for help.

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