We are happy to accept applications for up to four people. However, if there are more than two applicants, we just need the details of the two highest wage earners.
This should include credit cards, store cards, mail order accounts, unsecured loans, student loans, hire purchase and contract hire agreements or second charge loans.
This should include credit cards, store cards, mail order accounts, unsecured loans, student loans, hire purchase and contract hire agreements or second charge loans..
We've already accounted for the basics. That includes food, clothes, utilities, TV, hobbies and other everyday costs. This is only for extra ongoing costs like:
Select purchase if you intend to buy a new property. Select remortgage if you intend on taking out a new mortgage with us.
For the latest product rates, please visit our Find a Mortgage tool and fill out your details to get a quotation.
When using the calculator, keep in mind:
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