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Update on Virgin Money Investments

We're pleased to announce that Virgin Money is buying abrdn’s stake in our joint venture, Virgin Money Investments.

Nothing is changing for customers. You will still have the same great range of investment options. And you will continue to be able to access and manage your investments in the same way as you do today.

Answers to questions you may have

Nothing is changing for customers of Virgin Money Investments. Virgin Money will purchase abrdn’s share of Virgin Money Investments. Virgin Money will then have full ownership.

This will enable Virgin Money and abrdn to focus on their respective strengths. Virgin Money will continue to offer brilliant digital propositions and compelling rewards for customers. abrdn will continue to provide investment advisory services for Virgin Money Investments.

The purchase is subject to further approvals, but is expected to happen during April.

There will be no impact to the value of any investments or pensions held by Virgin Money purchasing abrdn’s share of Virgin Money Investments.

Nothing is changing for Virgin Money Investment customers. You will access your investments in the same way.