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1. Choose a growth approach

Select approach

About Cautious Growth approach

For people looking to take a slower, cautious approach to growing their money in the long term - and looking to reduce ups and downs along the way.

About Balanced Growth approach

For people who prefer to take a balanced approach to growing their money in the long term - and are comfortable with more ups and downs than with our Cautious Growth approach.

About Adventurous Growth approach

For people looking for higher potential to grow their money in the long term - and willing to accept more ups and downs than with our Balanced Growth approach.

2. Enter your investment amount

You can choose to invest with a one-off payment, regular monthly payment, transfers from existing investment accounts, or a combination of these.

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Remember, the value of investments can go up and down, so you may get back less money than you put in. Tax depends on your individual circumstances and the regulations may change in the future.

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