iOS 14.7 or above

Android 8.0 or above
Download our app to get started
- Scan the QR code with your phone and download the Virgin Money app
- Use the Virgin Money app to complete your application
- If successful, we'll open your account and post your Virgin Money debit card
Am I eligible for a Virgin Money current account?
You're all good if you can tick off this list:
- You are 18 or over (over 16s can open an account in Store)
- You live in the UK
- You have a good credit history
What will I need to open a current account?
You'll need:
- A phone with a camera to scan the QR code and download the app. You can download the app from the app store too.
- A good signal or WiFi connection
- A form of ID, like your driver's license
Can I apply in the app?
You can apply for a personal M Plus account in the app. If you would like a Joint Account or an overdraft, you can apply online.
If you already have an M, M Plus or Club M Account with Virgin Money, or products with Clydesdale or Yorkshire Bank, you can sign in and apply online.
How do I continue a saved application?
Follow this link to continue a saved application.
Where can I compare your current accounts?
Take a look at all our accounts to make sure you're choosing the right one for you. Follow this link to compare accounts.